
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Anti Inflammatory Supplements

Hercules Fish Oil contains DHA and EPA, two essential fatty acids that help support and maintain the cardiovascular system. In scientific research, Fish Oil is shown to maintain cholesterol levels already within the normal range and to support blood pressure also within the normal range.* In addition to benefitting heart health, the omega-3 fatty acid DHA benefits the brain.* The brain is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, especially the omega-3 essential fatty acid DHA. Obtaining sufficient omega-3 is crucial for brain health, especially, cognitive function and mood.* For women, fatty acids in Fish Oil are also shown to reduce the discomforts of PMS and menopause.*

Anti-Inflammatory Supplements

Inflammation ? pain, swelling, redness and heat ? is a double-edged sword. This immunity-mediated process is crucial when you have an injury. It helps your body fight infection and clear away damaged tissue. But inflammation can become a chronic condition if your body fails to shut off this reaction, or activates it when there is no apparent trigger.

Inflammation can last for years. It can target a particular area ? like your skin, sinuses, prostate, bladder or gums. (Any diagnosis that ends with ?-itis? is an inflammatory condition.) Inflammation can become a body-wide condition, and has be identified as the underlying cause of many diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and neurological degeneration, including Alzheimer?s and Parkinson?s diseases. Inflammation is a big threat. That?s why it?s so important to get it under control.

A diet focused on vegetables, fruits, fish, olive oil, nuts and whole grains can reduce inflammation. Nutritional supplements also help, and unlike drugs, they work without causing stomach ulcers. There are plenty of natural inflammation-fighters.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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