
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

I know some persons who are suffering from this unusual disorder, that is why I want to write a short overview about this, this is the so-called:

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD as defined by experts is an anxiety disorder. People who have this usually suffer of doing repetitive things to satisfy their thoughts and fears. Speaking of fears, people who suffer from OCD have this in their minds without reasonable reason, here comes the obsession and anxiety, the result of this is to do actions again and again, thinking they have to do that as defense or protection against this anxious thoughts and feelings.

Few symptoms of OCD

1. An act of pulling your hair and some people use to even eat the hair after they pulled it.

2. Over washing of hands because of fear of bacterias

3. Brushing hair on the exact count

4. Getting this feeling of anxiety when you fail to do unreasonable things which you think

you always need to do.

For more info. visit this site Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) -

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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