
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Do You Get Annoyed When People Moan?

They say that misery loves company, which is true in a way. But if I am in a good or ok sort of mood, then someone moaning about something - even if their moaning is justified - just really irritates me. I feel like they want me to feel sad or angry for them, and I can easily. But I know that those emotions are not a productive step up from feeling ok. Now if I had been depressed, then angry would have been a productive step up and I wouldn't be so annoyed, but when I am in an ok mood and trying to maintain it, I hate to hear people moaning.

It really annoys me. I try to block it out unless my mother or sister are the ones that are moaning about something, because I feel like I have to do everything in my power to try to help them find a solution to whatever it is that they are moaning about. But I still come out of it drained and feeling worse than I did before I interacted with the 'moaner'

So, do you also get irritated when people are moaning and ex[expecting you to come down to their level of emotion?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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