
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Question: How does a 14 year GIRL get stronger without getting bulky?

Okay frat I would suggest getting help from a friend or adult. I don't want you getting stronger to fight, but to defend yourself as feel better. Just to let you know there's a lot of self defense videos on youtube.

Okay now, girls bodies are different then men's. Plus you're only 14, Sonoma not sure how this will work out for you because I understand puberty is crazy. I'm only an 18 year old guy but I'll try to help.

For sure after puberty but I don't know durring, girls don't produce testosterone like men do. That is the stuff that makes men big and bulky. Girls who workout won't get bulky unless they take supplements. If you workout you will gain muscle that will give you're feminine features a more curvy look an it would only make you more attractive. Google search workouts for girls and muscle building for girls and stuf like that. There's good answers and don't worry about looking manly, it can't happen. Answer mine? Please


via Smart Health Shop Forum

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