
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Question: Gaining weight no matter how hard I try to lose it.?

You lifting, that is the issue it seems. You are bulking instead of creating lean muscle. Make sure your portions are accurate and you aren't underestimating your calorie intake. Then do 30 minutes of cardio a day with 1 hour of yoga. Ditch the weight lifting altogether. You want lean muscle, not bulk. My guess is you are underestimating calories and are bulking with the weights. Also everyone's metabolism is different. Just because someone can eat 1500 calories and not gain doesn't mean you can. Go on and really track your portions. Low calorie diets aren't dangerous short term. These are 900-1000 calorie diets. Then you slowly increase your calorie intake by 100 each week till you gain some, and then drop it by 100 for your calorie needs. So for example, you lose weight with 1000 calories. So you get to your goal weight and you boost it to 1100 and nothing happens and you don't gain weight till you reach 1300 calories. That means you will keep gaining weight with 1300 calories and you need 1200 to maintain. No one is the same so don't listen to anyone who says you need this amount of calories to be healthy. As long as you are reaching your vitamin and mineral requirements for your body to function, you will be okay. Calories are the bodies energy. So eat what it requires and not more.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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