
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Question: How to increase my appetite?

How to increase my appetite?

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I am trying to build muscle and on average i eat around 2500 calories but i recently started eating around 4000 give or take a few hundred. I looked at body building .com and found a good mass building workout routine and i wrote out a food guide to follow. The food guide had helped alot and this is my 4th day so far, but i get so full i just want to not function anymore lol. I can tell with each passing day that i am slightly eating a little less then the past days and i need to snap out of this and just eat more.Do any of you kno certain tricks how to make yourself hungry when ur not hungry.? I try to tell myself to take 10 miligrams of suck it the **** up but that only worked the first couple of days.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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