
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Question: I'm 14, should I take dieting pills?

I'm and weigh 201 pounds. I've tried to lost weight,but not succeeded. I was in athletics for 3 and a half years, worked my hardest and ate right, tons of fiber and greens and good protein. But I didn't lost any weight. Instead I gain 4 pounds. I also think it's because I don't walk that good. In my 6th grade year a couch of mine said that I walk outwards and not straight. She said that she use to walk like that and didn't loose much weight like that. She said she got surgery to help straighten her feet and she started to loose weight and walking better.

Heavy weight also runs in my family, my sister is overweight and so is my mom. I don't know if I could all my mother obese, but she is very heavy for her height and age. I just hate being this heavy and people making fun of me for it. I want to wear clothes like I want to wear, not what that covers up my lumps. I was thinking taking diet pills will help me lose some weight. My ideal weight would be 150-160. I was hoping that diet pills will let me be around that weight, and I would try to keep it off. I'm going to be in marching so we are going to be working out.

So please, should I take diet pills? I really want to, but I'm not sure. My mom isn't for them, but then again she doesn't help me lose weight and she buys junk for. I try not to eat junk food, but once in a while I splurge and i feel horrible and write it down. I don't know, I just want to feel beautiful and healthy.

So, should I take diet pills?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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