
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Question: Hi, I'm 13 years old and I am trying to get a 6 pack. I am really close but just have a small layer of fat covering them and it seems impossible to get rid of it.?

I exercise daily Exercise: at least 2 hours of swimming and the rest of the day biking up and down my road with my friends.(road is about 1 mile long uphill)

• I also eat really healthy never eat chips and all that other junk I stay to whole foods like advacados strawberries and fruits like that.

•I also workout, I recently got a membership to planetfitnss but can't go often. Other then that I do home workout with dumbbells and home stuff like that.

• I am really dedicated but also wondering if there is any workout programs I should follow to succeed... Thanks to anyone who can help!

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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