
Wednesday, July 30, 2014


I'm currently following the 21 day fix. I'm 16 btw 5'1 and 130 pounds, I want to lose ten pounds by September. I just started it monday and having been following it very closely and accurately. However, today I ate some of things that weren't on the "okay" list of foods that beach body recommends. I'm also a newbie vegan and I had a small bowl of mango sorbet after dinner which IS NOT VEGAN.....:( I am SO sore from the workouts over the past two days that I can hardly walk. My legs are so achy. I'm supposed to be able to do these workouts everyday! I can't imagine doing one when my muscles hurt so bad. Would it make a huge different if I don't do the workout today but tomorrow and make up for it? I already kind of screwed up on my eating plan today which sucks. This is what I ate today

breakfast: Green smoothie (kale, 1/2 banana, aloe vera water, coconut water, agave, and avocado)

Snack: 1/2 cup of blueberries

Lunch: Veggie protein patty with organic veggie chips

Snack: Raw Kale and more than a serving of raw vegan cocoa macaroons

Dinner: Sandwich (ultra thin whole wheat bread, lettuce, mustard, and tomato) and then on the side I had the veggie chips again

Dessert: Organic Mango Sorbet with the raw chocolate macaroons I know today I did horrible. I will follow the plan more closely tomorrow. But will it make a huge different if I don't do one of the workout videos today and just go for a walk? I'm so sore...! Thank you!

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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