Saturday, June 28, 2014

Question: Need help from people with flat stomach?!?

Do this 5 days a week 500 crunches: here's the break down

50- regular

50- right side

50- left side

50- legs straight up ( don't let them drop)

50- open your legs to a straddle

50- butterfly (keep those heels OFF the ground)

50- sit ups. (lay flat, legs straight out. sit all the up and lay all the way back down)

50- calves (legs in a 90 degree. calves parallel to the ground)

50- bicycles

50- pulses (sit in a 45 degree. feet off the ground. move arms up in little quick pulses)

50 push-ups

50 triceps

50 v-ups

50 lunge jumps (lunge and then jump to switch to the other side. pull your legs all the way up when you switch. don't cheat, make them deep.)

Don't eat a lot of junk food. You can have some. Just in moderation.


via Smart Health Shop Forum

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