Monday, September 1, 2014

Question: What should I start with?

Just asked a question about sugar and working out and while its for the same friend its slightly unrelated.

I'm helping encourage good behaviors, to motivate rather than criticize the bad ones(Though we are going to have a big talk about the fact that she seems to be eating more sugar since we've started working out) but I was wondering which good habit I should encourage her to start with.

I was thinking one of these four things.

First I was thinking taking vitamins everyday at about the same time.

Second, taking a 20 minute walk(with her daughter in the stroller) before dinner.

Third, waking up and eating breakfast everyday(Eggs or oatmeal)

and Finally was Eating at the table/turning the tv off during dinner(This will probably be the hardest) Also about how long do you think she should focus on the good habit before adding on another. I was thinking 2 weeks or a month.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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