Saturday, March 28, 2015

WHO: Monsanto Weed Killer Probably Causes Cancer - Times Gazette

The report from the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) says that the most widely-used weed killer probably causes cancer. The assessment is from the group of 17 international scientists that have been tasked by the World Health Organization’s cancer agency to reach a decision whether glyphosate posed risks to human health.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), reported that the active ingredient in the Monsanto herbicide Roundup was classified as “probably carcinogenic to humans”. The published article in The Lancet Oncology journal, presented that it had occasional evidence from human studies, but abundantly from mice.

Glyphosate is normally found in the widely used weed killer Roundup from the American agro-chemical company, Monsanto. It sells the herbicide to farmers in the United States, where crops can be genetically modified to give them immunity to glyphosate.

The article reported that it is used in more than 750 different products for agriculture and home applications. The use of the chemical has increased in the past decade and it has been found in water and food on the shelves in the United Kingdom, including bread and cereal bars. Furthermore, glyphosate has been detected in the blood and urine of agricultural workers.

The study showed that glyphosate stimulated skin tumors in mice and there was “limited evidence” that it was carcinogenic to humans for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Data from the study was compiled from exposure, which was mostly agricultural, in the United States, Canada, and Sweden.

The researchers arrived at the conclusion that glyphosate can cause tumors in mice through laboratory experiments. In addition, there is also a possibility that glyphosate can cause DNA damage to human cells.

IARC panel chairman Aaron Blair, from America’s National Cancer Institute, said: “There was sufficient evidence in animals, limited evidence in humans and strong supporting evidence showing DNA mutations and damaged chromosomes.”

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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