Thursday, January 1, 2015

Question: Is coconut oil healthy?

Saturated fat isn't the cause of obesity, heart disease or any healthy issues. In fact fat helps you burn fat, helps you feel full, absorb vital nutrients, your skin and organs need it to function properly and the list goes on. Not just coconut oil but also saturated fat in animal products. You know what does make you fat and unhealthy? Sugar and empty carbs from grains, yes even cereal and whole grains.

People have it completely backwards and this is why this country has so much obesity, yo-yo diets, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease and eating disorders. Because they're pushed this unnatural unhealthy diet by the government and schools from birth. One of calorie counting, low fat, high carb , high grain filth and guess what? It has nothing to do with health. It has everything to do with whats being subsidized and ensuring corporations hold onto their profits.

Avoid fat, eat high carb and grain if you want to be a slave to calorie counting for life. This is a weight gaining diet where you can only lose or maintain if you deprive yourself. Enjoy healthy fats and cut out the empty carbs if you want to take control of your health, appetite and diet and always feel satisfied with real foods.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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