Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Coping with Arthritis...

I am a sixty-seven year old male with a double whammy. I have rhuematoid arthritis in all of my major joints plus early onset altzhiemers. Prior to these conditions I was a vibriant activite person. Now some of the things I used to do are not possible. For example my hands don't work anymore like they should. My mind thinks what I want them to do but execution of that move is difficult at best. They seem to do what they want. Needless to say I become very frustrated. Frankly I do not trust my hand with anything of value for fear of dropping it. The same applies to my cooking ability. Due to this arthritic condition prepping food can become a somewhat dangerous activity. I have to be really be Careful when I use a knife for fear of losing control of it and prepping my own hand instead. Although I am a bit disabled I'm fortunate to have a couple of friends that simply will not let me start to feel sorry for myself and get depressed. Anyone else out there experience the same or similar things? :confused :(

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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