Monday, May 6, 2013


I have been eating healthy and gave up soda awhile back. I haven't given up my coffee but soda and sugary drinks were one of the first things I did cut. I had been given the suggestion that it is something that I could use as a treat for myself, though never did, and once in awhile is fine. Anyway today I went out to lunch with my husband and for some reason, not thinking I guess, I ordered a small soda and a bottle of water. I thought well it's a small and I won't drink the whole thing, that whole treat mentality. As we sat there I took a sip of the soda and ended up gagging on how sweet and off it tasted. I couldn't and still can't believe how absolutely horrible it was and I will also say within a 1/2 hour of leaving the restaurant my stomach was feeling off. I know it wasn't the food because I am mildly inflexible about what I eat and where I do eat so it really was the little bit of soda I drank.

Anyone else have a reaction like that to something they gave up but later on down the road tried again? I know about being used to foods and healthy living but my bodies reaction for me seemed a bit more over the top than I expected.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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