Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Battle Of The Milks: Almond vs Hemp

Almond Milk

Almond milk is prepared by soaking almonds in water for a few hours, draining the almonds, and then blending them with water till it becomes like milk. The milk is then drained, after which the almond bits are set aside. Almond milk has a pleasant taste and is perfectly suited for vegans or those who have lactose intolerance. Almond milk is extremely nutritious and has plenty of wholesome goodness.

  • Almond milk has magnesium, which is very important for healthy bones. Magnesium also helps break down the food into energy.

  • It contains Vitamin E, which is an important antioxidant that helps prevent free radicals from wreaking damage on the cells.

  • Almond milk also contains selenium and manganese. Selenium powers the immune system and prevents tissue and cell damage, while manganese keeps the teeth and bones healthy.

  • Almond milk has unsaturated fat which can significantly cut down the risks of heart disease.

  • Almond skin is known to contain flavonoids that protect the heart from damage.

  • Almonds also contain potassium that helps in keeping blood pressure normal.

  • Almond milk is low calorie and low fat, which is perfect for the times you need energy but don’t want to drink milk.

  • Nowadays, people are aware that cows are injected with antibiotics and growth hormones to make sure they produce more milk. These additives can cause a lot of problems such as cancer, but almond milk is free from any such thing.

Almond milk has a lot of good to it but, we can't forget the noticeable side effects:

  1. Almond milk is considered to be a goitrogenic food, i.e., it contains chemicals that can harm the thyroid when consumed in large amounts. For people whose thyroid function is low, it’s best to drink almond milk in moderation.

  2. Almond milk is not the best kind of milk for infants. It does not contain the right levels of nutrition for an infant and hence should not be substituted for breast milk or formula.

  3. Commercially produced almond milk contains more sugar than cow’s milk, which is the most obvious disadvantage.

  4. Almond milk is naturally not advisable for people with allergies to nuts.

Hemp Milk

Hemp milk is prepared by soaking hemp seeds and grinding them with water. The resultant milk has a nutty flavor and is currently the hot favorite in health drinks because of the numerous benefits it offers. Hemp milk, like almond milk, is available commercially in a variety of flavors. Here’s a look at some of the benefits it offers:

  • Hemp milk is full of nutrients. Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are vital for healthy functioning of the brain, and hemp milk contains both.

  • It’s good for people suffering from arthritis as it prevents pain.

  • It contains important minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, riboflavin, folic acid, zinc and thiamine, amongst others.

  • Contains 10 essential amino acids, making it one of the best sources of proteins for vegans. It also has vitamins such as A, E, D, and B12.

  • Hemp milk is considered to be good for people who are lactose intolerant and have milk related allergies.

  • Hemp milk is good for hair, skin and nails and is a great source of nutrition to bring out your inner beauty.

  • Most people drink hemp milk because it makes their immune system work harder and undoubtedly better.

  • Hemp milk is fat free and is devoid of cholesterol. It is an excellent source of nutrition for those trying to lose weight.

  • Hemp milk is also known to sharpen mental skills and acuity.

  • Hemp milk is also beneficial for people with heart problems as it helps greatly in fighting heart disease.

When it comes down to between Almond milk and Hemp milk. Both fair pretty well with their nutritional benefits and are great alternatives to cow milk. Though, Hemp milk fairs better over Almond milk.

Almond milk contains several side effects and is not even a option for people with nut allergies. The fact that it can effect your thyroid negatively can be a turn off for most people.

Looking at the big picture between the two. The nutritional benefits of Hemp far exceeds that of Almond. Therefore, it would seem that this battle belongs to Hemp Milk.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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