Thursday, May 9, 2013

Organics Beware Of This Food Addictive

I decided to make a series of threads for people to be aware of food additives being added to their "organic" products. You would be surprised at the flurry of addictive that are being approved for use in your favorite organic products. Not only is some of these addictives potentially dangerous. Some are even unnecessary and serve no real purpose. Today we will explore one addictive named Carrageenan.

A completely unnecessary food additive used in conventional, natural, and even some organic food and drink products could be causing digestive problems and even cancer, according to a report from the organic watchdog group the Cornucopia Institute. Soy milk dangers, along with almond milk and even ice cream threats, are included in the report.

Carrageenan has been used by the food industry for nearly 50 years and, during that time, has been extensively studied. Although researchers have reliably proven that dietary doses of carrageenan can lead to harmful inflammation, the additive is still approved for use in foods. Carrageenan so reliably causes inflammation that scientists actually use it to induce inflammation in biological experiments, explains Joanne Tobacman, MD, a physician-scientist at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, who has been studying the effects of carrageenan in human cells and lab animals for nearly 20 years.

In a recent statement to the National Organic Standards Board, Dr. Tobacman explained that carrageenan itself and its breakdown product both create dangerous inflammation, a condition that serves as the backbone of more than 100 human diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and arteriosclerosis. Inflammation also fuels other life-threatening diseases, including cancer.

While, other serious health issues and side effects are still in question. I think one common misconception people make is that because carrageenan is derived from a plant. That it must be safe for human consumption and use. It is common knowledge now that eating a product containing carrageenan can cause inflammation. Therefore, if you ever wonder why you have a series or stomach problems. You might just want to take a closer look at your label.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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