Wednesday, July 24, 2013

When Did You Learn To Drive?

I have not learned to drive yet, and I am 22. My mother tries to guilt me into feeling bad about it every chance that she gets. When my cousin, who is exactly one month younger than me passed his test, she made sure to let me now about it. The latest person to pas their driver's test is one of the teenage children from next door. My mother couldn't wait to tell me that he had passed his driver's test.

She knows I don't like cars, and she knows that I have no interest in learning to drive. I don't have the money for it, or the passion, or anything really. So she is not telling me just to make conversation. She is telling me this to jolt me into realizing that everybody is passing me by when it comes to learning how to drive, not that it is working. I could care less. The only reason she wants me to learn to drive is so that I will pick up the slack on errands that she can't be bothered to do, which is fucked up.

So when did you learn to drive, and was there pressure on you to do so?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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