Thursday, October 2, 2014

Question: How can I lose weight? I would like to lose some weight for my birthday in November. Im 5'3 and 148lb Im a highschool girl and ideas!?

The main thing is to diet.

One step that isn't entirely necessary is to make a log book of your actual diet and eating habits right now. Personally i like Its free and although it takes a little while to figure out, you can get pretty good and fast on it. it is almost fun.

then start off by figuring out where you can reduce 300 calories a day. thats a pretty easy way to start and also something that you can easily keep up. That alone will allow you to lose 1 or two pounds a month. The advantage of losing weight at that rate is that its both easy and the pounds tend to stay off.

If you find it too easy, then after a month try decreasing another 300 calories a day. or add an exercise.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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