Saturday, November 30, 2013

Left-Brained Or Right-Brained

I have always know that I was more of a right brain person, due to my high creativity, tendency to go off into the fantasy, and lastly because of my intuition; my ability to just know things with no explanation. I like chaos; not boring ass time and order lol. Time is an illusion to me.

Left brained people are usually the opposite of some of things mentioned above, but thank God for left-brained people. I'm a little too emotional to be logical all of the time, and sometimes you need a left-brained person's logic on things.

I did this test to see if I was ore right-brained or left-brained. You take it, and say what the test determined about you.

Right-brained? Left-brained? Take the test!

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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