Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Question: I can't excerise??

okay I didn't know how to actually word my question. But I can excerise. I can run around and jog around and stuff. But other than that I can't do much. I had taken my fitness test at school and did 1 sit-up and 0 push-ups. I have never been able to do push ups all my life. I weigh 85 pounds, am 5"2 and I am around age 14-18. In gym I get points taken off for not doing my push-ups and sit-ups but I just can't do them. I mean I can't even manage to push myself up or go back down and I look so weird trying that it's embarrasing.

sometimes my teacher makes up run laps around the field. But I can only run so long (like for 30 seconds and I hadn't even made it 1/6 of the way through the track yet) and I already have cramps in my side.

I mean I'll rather be a couch potatoe than to excerise but who knows, excercising might actually pay off in the future.

I don't know what to do in order to be able to do things like run more, or to do sits up and push ups and other things that requires physical strength.

Like holding a carton of milk is heavy. Like the liter cartons not the gallon cartoons. I'll have to carry the gallon ones like its a baby and a baby is even lighter than the gallons of milk, well at least it is to me.

What can I do to like strengthen my non-existent muscles (I know everyone has muscles and stuff but yeah)?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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