Saturday, September 7, 2013

Building Biceps Proportionately

Hey Everyone,

I wanted to highlight a trend I am seeing when it comes to biceps workouts. In the gym and online, I am noticing a lot of people that do not really understand that there are two parts to your bicep and that the exercises you do can be tailored specifically to each one.

The two parts of the bicep are called the long head and the short head. The long head is the portion of the bicep that runs along the outside of your arm and is known for the peak you will see from the side in strong biceps. The short head is the portion that runs along the inner part of your arm and this is the portion that will make your biceps look nice and full when looked at from the front. The problem is that so many people tend to get into a habit of only working out one or the other. It is something I think a lot of people do because they do not even realize that there are two parts to the bicep. If you want full biceps from every angle, here is what you need to know first off.

To target the long head of the bicep, your grip should either be semi-supinated (hammer) or if you are using a bar, your grip should be inside of your shoulder-width. Also, say you are using an easy bar and grip it so that your thumbs are more at the top than off to the side, that will hit the long head more. Try clenching your fist in the position with your thumb side up and you should feel and see that portion of your bicep more.

To target the short head of the bicep, your grip should either be supinated (palms up/regular curl) or if you are using a bar, your grip should be outside of shoulder-width. If you are using an EZ bar, the more flat your hands are and the higher the pinky side of your hand is, the more you will be targeting the short head. Try clenching your fist in the position with your pinky side as far up as you can and you should feel and see that portion of your bicep more.

SO, now that you hopefully understand this, let's discuss some great exercises to target both.

Long Head - Hammer dumbbell curls, inner grip EZ bar curls, rope curls, reverse curls (pronated grip), and pretty much any variation of these exercises.

Short Head - Regular dumbbell curls, outer grip EZ bar curls, incline dumbbell curls, isolation curls, and pretty much any variation of these exercises.

If you would like workout routine ideas that incorporate both and ensure a good balance, I recently posted a routine guide with 20 different workouts that will hit both. You can check it out at Bicep Workout Routines | Building Killer Biceps รข€” Get Real Results | Bicep Workouts & Bicep Exercises | Within this article, I also linked up all of the videos for the exercises so you can see them being performed. I hope this helps some people out there.


via Smart Health Shop Forum

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