Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How Arnold Schwarzenegger used posing to increase strength and muscle definition

You've probably seen hundreds of old photos of Arnold Schwarzenegger posing and posing before, during and after his workouts during his competitive younger years. It was not that he was a perfectionist and wanted to perfect his posing and display techniques. Rather, he sincerely believed the posing (sometimes to the point of exhaustion) actually made his muscles harder and more defined.

I think I read about some doctor or scientist calling it "loadless" training. Meaning that by posing and posing, you are basically contracting your muscles and enhancing muscular strength. The constant contractions during posing help to improve muscular control, allowing you to generate more force while lifting heavy weights.

Does anyone have similar ideas about posing and contracting our muscles to improve strength and even muscle definition?

via Smart Health Shop Forum http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SmartHealthShopForum/~3/XVLO1gm3E3A/14081-how-arnold-schwarzenegger-used-posing-increase-strength-muscle-definition.html

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