Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Best Way To Treat Your Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is known for being a condition that brings with it pain and discomfort. There are many things you can do to help acid reflux. While this is certainly an unpleasant condition, it is one that can be handled with the right information. this site You want to do most of your drinking between meals and not while you're eating. This is a good way to manage hunger, since you stand a better chance of being thirsty than you do hungry. Also, if you drink outside of eating times, you'll find your stomach doesn't get as distended when you eat and acid doesn't pass back up into your esophagus. When you're at your optimal weight there is a less of a chance that you will get GERD. At the end of your esophagus is a sphincter, and excess fat can press down on this and cause it to relax. By reducing your weight you can reverse this process, which will greatly reduce your symptoms. Chew a stick of cinnamon gum after meals. When chewing happens, the amount of saliva produced in the mouth increases. Saliva helps neutralize the acids in the stomach. Additionally, you will swallow more often while chewing gum, and this will remove any acid sitting in the esophagus. You may find fruit flavored gum gives you the same effect. You should not chew on mint gum because mint causes your esophageal sphincter to relax, worsening your acid reflux. Don't drink alcoholic beverages if you want to avoid acid reflux. Alcohol causes stomach-acid buildup and damage your stomach lining. As a result, acid reflux can occur. If you are going out with friends, limit your alcohol intake if you want to feel good when you get home. If you have acid reflux, do not exercise after eating. When lower abdominal muscles tighten during a work out, this can lead to food moving back into the esophagus. Wait a few hours before you engage in any physical activity. this siteTry to wait until between mealtimes to have drinks. When your stomach is full of food and liquid, the lower esophageal sphincter is under constant pressure. This can cause it to allow the food and acid in your stomach to come back up into your esophagus and destroy the lining within. Lose some weight. Extra weight can greatly increase the frequency of acid reflux attacks. The fat around your stomach and esophagus puts pressure on them, causing them to malfunction and give you heartburn. Even shedding just a few pounds can bring a great deal of relief. Make it a point to relax whenever possible. Stress can cause you to overeat, making your condition much worse. After each meal, relaxation techniques are highly recommended. These include deep breathing, meditation, and yoga. Don't lie down right after. You need to stay upright. If you hope to prevent acid reflux after a meal, avoid reclined positions for at least a few hours. Gravity is a natural and free way to keep acid reflux under control. Each person will need to wait different amounts of time prior to lying down, so you just need to determine what works for you. It is important that you refrain from eating at least three hours before bedtime. Your body has trouble digesting food when you are lying down. Eating just before calling it a day improves your chances of getting up in the middle of the night with heartburn. Incorporate low-impact exercises into your daily routine. Low-impact exercises, such as a walking regimen or water aerobics, really help. The body will be upright, causing gravity to aid in digestion. Stay upright after eating. Laying down can cause your digestive tract to have problems working effectively. You'll keep your reflux at bay and feel a lot better if you try to stay upright more often. this siteAcid reflux can negative impact the lives of those who suffer from it. With sufficient understanding of reflux, it is possible to take the steps needed to overcome its effects. Look back at these tips when necessary to keep acid reflux at bay.

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