Saturday, September 14, 2013

Ok, now I'm worried.

I was a 90s teen. Extremely lucky to have been born before the age of smart phones being in the hands of the least mature citizens on the planet. I am beyond relieved that my every stupid stunt and mistake can't be viewed on youtube or passed from person to person until every school in my city knows my every move lol. I don't know how kids survive today! And I'm not surprised at all that it's led to many committing suicide from the humiliation and torture of it all. It's not the answer of course.. I'm just not surprised.

And then I remembered a post a while back where I mentioned memory recording. See where I'm going with this yet?? I believe it was Dreek's invention thread. Scientists have successfully recorded a thought. They told the subjects to think of a number, and they, somehow, were able to view said number and record it. This is obviously just the beginning. Along with other scary successes, such as changing memories in rats or erasing them altogether. Can you imagine once this is all harnessed.. the possibilities???

So.. what my long winded post comes down to is.... I'm soooooooo not looking forward to people recording their thoughts. lol. I thought it was great when it was decided to be good for remembering dreams. But sometime in the future, someone could remember those drunken antics and post their memory pictures on facecrack for all to see lol.

Would you be safe or do you have memories you hope will never see the light of day? Now that I think of it.. it might come more in handy for catching criminals too! Lots of pros, but this con is making me less comfortable than I was lol.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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