Friday, August 1, 2014

Question: What are some great weight loss tips?

This. Will. Be. Long. Eat slowly. It can take your stomach up to 20 minites to get the food you swallow, meaning you could be shovelling down food for another 20 minutes after you've eaten enough to be full.

Put down your knife and fork between bites. It helps^^

Always eat a good breakfast. It stops you wanting to snack throughout the day.

Eat at a table without the distraction of TV etc. Be concious that you are eating.

Stretch every morning. It wakes up your body.

Try yoga and meditation. It puts you back in touch with the signals your body sends you. Such as when you are hungry and full etc.

if you are full, stip eating. You do not have to clear your plate. If you dont want to waste full leave it for later.

get a good amount of exercise. Cardio burns fat a weight bearing exercises build muscle.

little things can make a big difference. Wash up instead of using a dishwasher. Walk to the shop, dont drive. Lots of small calories burning activated add up over a day.

-balanced diet also. And im out of space. Hope this helps :)

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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