Saturday, August 2, 2014

Question: How much iodine should I take to lose weight?

Sorry, but the ONLY way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you take in. This can be done by diet (modify the number of calories ingested), activity, or both. Supplements, fad diets, pills, cleansing programs (I could go on for hours) do NOT work and if weight is lost it is only temporary (not to mention can cause bodily harm). A reasonable AND SUSTAINABLE loss is 1-2 pounds per week. Try the following and you WILL see results-

1. drink plenty of water every day- keeps hunger cravings down and aids digestion, which burns calories

2. Choose protein, veggies, and fruit for your calories over carbs unless you are prepping to workout (you do need some carbs in your diet, though so don't eliminate them all

3. Use a free website like (there are lots out there) that will show you TONS of activities you can do that don't require a gym membership of fancy equipment and how many calories you will burn.

Scrap the iodine and try this- and with a few pounds per week, bear in mind that you did not get to your present weight quickly, so you won't see drastic results quickly

Best wishes to you

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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