Saturday, June 28, 2014

Question: What are some foods to eat on a daily basis to lose weight?

The healthiest diet is called the Whole Food Plant Based diet. It has a very strong support in peer reviewed scientific studies such as the China-Oxford-Cornell study. It has achieved amazing results in clinical studies by nutritional researchers such as: - Dean Ornish

- Neal Barnard

- Joel Fuhrman

- John McDougall

- Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr.

Not only are these researchers exceptionally thin and healthy, they also demonstrate statistically significant results (weight loss and health improvement) among their clients. Joel Fuhrman and Caldwell Esselstyn were also world-class athletes as was Esselstyn,'s son. The top marathon runners in the world come from East Africa and they all consume a WFPB diet with animal food products added in small quantities for flavoring only.

For further information, look for YouTube videos, web sites, and books by the nutritional researchers who I listed above.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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