Wednesday, April 17, 2013

American School vs English School

I probably shouldn't get my opinion of American High Schools from television, because I know how manipulative television can be in trying to force perceptions that aren't really there. But since I have no other reference for what American high schools are like, since I live in the UK, then what I have seen in films and shows like Glee, are all i have to go on.

I want to talk about this hierarchy system that seems to pervade American high schools. The cheerleaders and Jocks are usually at the top of the pyramid, and everybody else kind of doesn't really matter. Is this how things are in real life?

Growing up on the English school system, popular kids fraternized with less popular kids - even kids who were sometimes bullied. There was never a set system, like there seems to be with American high schools. Everybody just got along, unless there were individual beefs between people, but it did not depend upon who was popular and who was not.

Why do you think this is?

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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