Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hello Everyone

Hello My name is Antoinette,

I am a wonderful Mother of two beautiful little girls and a loving wife to a wonderful husband. I am just now deciding to make this change. I have been a little chubby kid all of my life and I am now wanting to make a change. I want to reshape my body, build my self confidence, and get healthy. I have tried several diets but I would always break the diet. I tried exercising but that soon faded. So hopefully you all can keep me motivated and in returnI will be motivating you all. My goal is to loose 60 pounds but I have to lose 30 pounds by June. Its my husbands reuion and I want to look great. So if you have any pointers let me know. I am looking forward to sharing with you all my weight loss journey. Have a great day.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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