Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Question: If I don't eat in 2 days , I can become anorexic?

Look, I understand you. I was you few months ago. Please, believe me and take my advice. I've done it. I first tried it for 2 days and I felt great. And then I tried just a bit more and a bit more until I couldn't walk 1 minute anymore. Yes, you will loose weight and yes, you will feel better. But it will last so shortly and consequences will be awful. You will either loose weight but soon get more than you had on beginning OR you'll die. I tell you this because I tried it few times and I was skinny for maximally two weeks and then I was fat because I started binging. You can't just starve yourself for a while and then everything is ok and you are skinny. It is not possible. Please don't do it.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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