Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Coping with early onset Altzheimers...

I'm sixty-seven years old and I have early onset Altzheimers. I have always had a better than average short term and long term memory until about two years ago. I noticed I was starting to forget some minor things that were not urgent but important enough to be remembered. That progressed to forgetting other more important dates or times. Fast forward to present time and I find I have difficulty remembering something from one moment to the next. Case in point is when I am at home I may place an object down and go answer the door or some other activity that momentarily takes my attention away from them. The elapsed time maybe only seconds or a few minutes. Upon returning to what I as originally doing I find I have forgotten what I was going to do perior to the interruption. This for me is unacceptable! I have always had a pretty sharp memory but now I can't trust it. I'm thankful I do have friends that understand it although even for them it gets to be a bit much sometime. For me it is "a bit much" "ALL OF THE TIME". I'm afraid I am not handling it very well. Any suggestions? :(

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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