Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How to inject safely

If you ever consider using steroids, knowing how to safely inject is extremely important. Doing it wrong can lead to discomfort, swelling, excess scar tissue build up and even some pretty nasty infections.

1. Clean up

First, make sure you are doing your injection in a relatively clean area. You don't need to bleach down the whole space or anything, but you don't want to be somewhere filthy. Second, was your hands with soap and water.

2. Gather your materials

You will need the vial of whatever you are injecting, an unopened and sterile syringe with needle attached, an unopened and sterile second needle, and 2 alcohol swabs.

3. Draw the oil

First, you will probably want to shake the vial a bit to make sure there was no settling. Normally you shouldn't have an issue with this, but I prefer to do it just to make sure. Grab one of your alcohol swabs, open it and wipe the top of your vial with one swipe and in only one direction. Don't swirl it around since that will just swirl around bacteria (although the alcohol should kill it all). Then, open your syringe and attach a needle if it's not already attached. Remove the shield covering the needle and draw at least as much air into the vial as oil you are going to inject (example: if you are going to inject 1.5cc of oil, draw at least 1.5cc of air into the syringe). Next, stick the needle into the vial and inject the air. This will create a vaccum and will make drawing the oil much easier. Hold the vial upside down and draw however much oil you need into the syringe. Put the shield back on the needle.

4. Switch needles

VERY IMPORTANT: Grab your syringe that is filled with oil. Since the vast majority of syringes have removable needles, unscrew the needle. Make sure you hold the syringe with the tip up so oil doesn't leak out. Open a brand new, sealed and sterile needle and screw it on the syringe. NEVER NEVER NEVER re-use needles. They cost like 10 cents a piece and that 10 cents can save you from getting an infection and injecting with a dull needle. These needles are very sharp, but will only stay very sharp for one use. Keep the shield on the new needle until you are ready to inject. Re-shield and safely dispose of the used needle.

5. Prep the injection site

VERY IMPORTANT: Once you locate the injection site (If you're not sure where to inject, use a website like spotinjections.com to tell where), wipe it down with a new alcohol swab. Wipe using circular motions starting from the center of the injection site and moving out. This is extremely important as it will ensure that there is no bacteria on your skin that could cause an infection.

6. Prepare to inject

Remove the shield from the needle and insert it into the same site you used in step 5. Stick the needle in the middle of the circle you swabbed with the alcohol pad. I prefer to make a quick, darting motion and get it over with right away, but some people prefer to go slower. You will want to make sure you get the needle in pretty deep. For example, if you are using a 1 inch needle and injecting into your quad, pretty much the entire needle should be in your leg and the tip of the syringe should be very close to touching your quad. Next, aspirate. That means you pull back the plunger of the syringe. If blood comes into the barrel of the syringe, that means you are in a vein and you need to pull the needle out, switch needles, and find a new injection site (MAKE SURE YOU SWAB THE NEW SITE). The new spot can be on the same muscle. If there is no blood, then you are good to go.

7. Inject

It's important to keep the needle as still as possible this whole time. Doing so will minimize scar tissue build up over time. Once you have determined that you are not about to inject into a vein, begin to slowly press the plunger down. Take your time, you're in no hurry. Going too fast can be pretty uncomfortable. Keep a steady pressure on the plunger and keep pushing until all the oil is out of the syringe.

8. Remove the needle.

Let the needle sit without moving it for a moment. I like to wait about 20-30 seconds. This will let the oil disperse from around the needle. Remove the needle quickly and in one, smooth motion. Doing this quickly will help to minimize how much oil leaks back up onto the surface of your skin, although you may have some leak regardless.

9. Clean up

If you are bleeding a little, don't be alarmed. Just grab a new alcohol swab and cover the injection site. Re-shield the needle you injected with and dispose of the needle and syringe safely. If you don't have a home sharps container, use a plastic tub with thick, hard sides. You may want to move around a little since you may be kind of stiff.

Hope this helps if you were wondering how to inject. Injecting for the first time can be a little intimidating. But done right, you shouldn't have any problems. Just be smart about it.

via Smart Health Shop Forum http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SmartHealthShopForum/~3/g_VNjEb31fk/9112-how-inject-safely.html

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