Sunday, September 28, 2014

Question: How long does it take to get the hang of these?

How long does it take to get the hang of these?

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Hi! I'm a junior and high school and my senior year (a year from now) I really want to cheer but the problem is senior year you can only make varsity and my high school is very competitive. I have absolutely no experience. About two weeks ago I started taking gymnastics and my private trainer said I have shown great improvement from when I started. I learned how I do a bridge in less than a week and now I can do one easily. My trainer said in actually really flexible especially for just starting. I have been working hard everyday with workout plans my trainer gives me which includes starting at 30 push-ups, 50 squats, 10 herkies(still need to learn this one better idk if I'm doing it right) 10 pikes, 15 straddle jumps, 15 tucks, 35 sit-ups my workout increases by 5 each day. I sometimes overdid it like I probably did more like 30 of each jump today. I jump whenever I can even in my free time like watching tv or something. I have a trampoline so it helps as well. I also stretch twice a day with different stretches. I do 2 planks every night as well. I also practice handstands and cartwheels on the kitchen floor which I honestly really suck at lol. My feet have been geeing higher though from when I started so I guess that's good. So my question is could I learn all of this in a year or would that be too short of time? Thank you so much for answering! I appreciate it(:

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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