Friday, September 12, 2014

Question: What are some healthy foods under 100 calories?

I have this down to a science since I am a health buff and I has been watching my diet for the past 2 years. All of the fruits and vegetables eaten raw or slightly cooked is low in calories- under 100 but you must watch eating more than 3 -4 pieces of fruit daily because fruit has a lot of sugar in it( some of the fruits such as grapes, cherries, cranberries, KIWI, catalopes), but the most healthyful fiber wise and potassium wise is oranges and apples, and bananas.

I love to eat raw and slightly cooked vegetables such as all of the green vegetables, carrots, baked potatoes, and - any thing green. since 2 years ago with my diet; my blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride has went down 60 points.

lettuce waxgourd butterbur 13 kcal

Cabbage, chinese (pak-choi)

13 kcal

Lettuce, butterhead

13 kcal

Waxgourd, (ash gourd, winter melon, fuzzy melon, green pumpkin)

14 kcal

Butterbur, (fuki, bog rhubarb, giant butterbur)

gourd white radishes cucumber pumpkin flower

14 kcal

Gourd, white-flowered (calabash, bottle gourd, opo squash, long melon)

14 kcal

Radishes, white icicle

15 kcal

Cucumber, with peel

15 kcal

Pumpkin flowers

lettuce yellow tomato chinese cabbage celery

15 kcal

Lettuce, green leaf

15 kcal

Tomatoes, yellow

16 kcal

Cabbage, chinese (pe-tsai)

16 kcal


red lettuce nopales purslane radishes

16 kcal

Lettuce, red leaf

16 kcal


16 kcal


16 kcal


orange tomato balsam pear cardoon chayote

16 kcal

Tomatoes, orange

17 kcal

Balsam-pear (bitter gourd, bitter melon), pods

17 kcal

Cardoon (artichoke thistle, cardone, carduni, cardi)

17 kcal

Chayote, fruit (christophene, vegetable pear, mirliton, pear squash)

chicory endive celtuce radishes

17 kcal

Chicory, witloof

17 kcal


18 kcal

Celtuce (stem lettuce, celery lettuce, asparagus lettuce, Chinese lettuce)

18 kcal

Radishes, oriental

red tomato swiss chard vine spinach pumpkin leaves

18 kcal

Tomatoes, red, ripe

19 kcal

Chard, swiss (silverbeet, perpetual spinach, spinach beet, crab beet, bright lights)

19 kcal

Vinespinach, (basella, phooi leaf, climbing spinach)

19 kcal

Pumpkin leaves

skunk cabbage towel gourd lemon sweet pepper

19 kcal

Swamp cabbage, (skunk cabbage, clumpfoot cabbage, foetid pothos, meadow cabbage, polecat weed)

20 kcal

Gourd, dishcloth (towelgourd, loofa, luffa, loufa)

20 kcal

Lemons, with peel

20 kcal

Peppers, sweet, green

borage cornsalad rhubarb beet greens

21 kcal

Borage (starflower)

21 kcal


21 kcal


22 kcal

Beet greens

broccoli dock white mushroom alfalfa

22 kcal

Broccoli raab

22 kcal


22 kcal

Mushrooms, white

23 kcal

Alfalfa (lucerne) seeds, sprouted

amaranth chicory coriander radicchio

23 kcal

Amaranth leaves

23 kcal

Chicory greens

23 kcal

Coriander (cilantro) leaves

23 kcal


spinach green tomato cabbage chrysanthemum

23 kcal


23 kcal

Tomatoes, green

24 kcal

Cabbage, common

24 kcal

Chrysanthemum leaves

eggplant arugula asparagus cabbage

24 kcal


25 kcal

Arugula (rocket, roquette, rucola)

25 kcal


25 kcal


cauliflower jelly ear rose apple portabella

25 kcal


25 kcal

Jew's ear, (jelly ear, pepeao)

25 kcal

Rose-apples (love apple, Royal Apple, bellfruit, mountain apple)

26 kcal

Mushrooms, portabella (white mushroom, table mushroom, champignon mushroom, crimini mushroom)

mustard red sweet pepper pumpkin agar seaweed

26 kcal

Mustard greens

26 kcal

Peppers, sweet, red

26 kcal


26 kcal

Seaweed, agar

spirulina bamboo shoot kohlrabi sesbania

26 kcal

Seaweed, spirulina

27 kcal

Bamboo shoots

27 kcal

Kohlrabi (German turnip)

27 kcal

Sesbania flower

savoy cabbage banana pepper sweet yellow pepper broccoli

27 kcal

Cabbage, savoy

27 kcal

Pepper, banana

27 kcal

Peppers, sweet, yellow

28 kcal

Broccoli, flower clusters

broccoli leaves casaba ohelo berries turnip

28 kcal

Broccoli, leaves

28 kcal

Melons, casaba

28 kcal


28 kcal


cowpeas hungarian pepper lemons chives

29 kcal

Cowpeas, leafy tips

29 kcal

Peppers, hungarian

29 kcal

Lemons, without peel

30 kcal


collrads grapefruit lime watermelon

30 kcal


30 kcal

Grapefruit, pink and red, Florida

30 kcal


30 kcal


green bean yellow bean red cabbage

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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