Friday, February 22, 2013

Different Activities Add To Your Exercise Program

When we think of exercise often our first thought is walking on a treadmill or around the block. However, if we get creative and realize other parts of our bodies need exercise too, then we need a plan B.

At home:

Manually wash the car

Use hand tools instead of power tools.

Rake Leaves

Shovel snow

Vacuum carpets and furniture

Walk or bike, to the store instead of always driving.

Walk up and down the stairs

Go visit friends instead of emailing or texting them.

Scrub floors by hand, instead of using machines

Dig a garden area and plant flowers

Go play tennis or games that get your body moving

Wash dishes by hand

Go walking with a friend in the woods

You can add to my list if you can think of activities that provide exercise.

via Smart Health Shop Forum

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